A Capital Worth
4.5 Billion  LBP

  • Commercial Register of Beirut: under the N° 51732 since 24/02/1979
    Lebanese Contractors Syndicate: 1st Category under the N°1666 since 12/12/1990
    Order of Engineers and Architects of Beirut: under the N° 3933 since  27/05/1977
    C.C.I.B.: Class Excellent under the N°1805
    Ministry of Finance  N° 1985
    Ministry of Finance -VAT N
    ° 1985/601



    Lebanese Ministry of Public Works 1st Category- Class A, Building Sector under N° 73 since 11/04/1991
                                                                                      1st Category- Class A, Roads Sector under N° 154 since 29/04/2000
    Council for Development & Reconstruction-Beirut 5 Stars Buildings Contractors 
    Lebanese Army  Qualified Contractor 




    Abniah constantly develops its business plan to foster services, sustain its structure & expand its activities










  • team